10S3P 36V 10.5Ah 18650 lithium batterij voor Xiaomi M365 scooter met communicatie Software versie
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Product Type : Lithium Battery
Sku : BI-HM-273
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10S3P 36V 10.5Ah 18650 lithium batterij voor Xiaomi M365 scooter met communicatie Software versie
- Model: AED-361050
- Batterijtype: AED-35P (3,5 Ah)
- Aantal cellen: 30 stuks (10S3P)
- Nominale spanning: 36V (37V)
- Oplaadspanning: 42V
- Typische capaciteit: 10,5 Ah / 378 Wh
- Minimale capaciteit: 9,4 Ah / 338 Wh
- Slimme BMS: temperatuur, kortsluiting, automatische onderspanningsstandby, overstroom, overladen, overontlading bescherming
- Verpakking: krimp PVC, willekeurige kleur
- Materiaal: Plastic
- Eindspanning bij opladen: 42V
- Laadmethode: CC-CV
- Oplaadtemperatuur: 0-45 ℃
- Ontlaadtemperatuur: -10-60 ℃
- Opslagtemperatuur: -20-45 ° C (3 maanden)
- Cyclische levensduur: 80% DOD na 500 cycli
- Afmetingen: 3356541 mm (met houder)
- 1x M365 batterij
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- Als de batterijverpakking ongeopend is, retourneer deze dan in de originele verpakking.
- Als de batterij is uitgepakt en gebruikt, pak de batterij dan opnieuw in voor retour.
- Maak een foto van het koerierslabel op het pakket voordat u het terugstuurt, inclusief ontvanger, afzender en trackingnummer.
- De buitenverpakking van de batterij moet in een stevige doos worden verpakt.
- Plaats geen notities, herinneringen of geprinte papieren in het pakket.
- De batterij moet voorkomen dat de positieve en negatieve polen direct contact maken. Isolatiematerialen zoals plastic folie kunnen worden gebruikt om de polen van elkaar te scheiden. Geen metalen objecten die kortsluiting kunnen veroorzaken in de verpakking plaatsen.
- De batterij moet goed vastgezet worden in het pakket om schade door botsing en wrijving tijdens het transport te voorkomen, bijvoorbeeld door het vast te zetten met schuim of kartonnen vakken.
Voor sommige speciale batterijen moeten retouren worden verpakt volgens de relevante transportvoorschriften, zoals het gebruik van verpakkingsmaterialen met brand- en explosiebestendige eigenschappen.
Adres: 4e verdieping, nr. 6, XiaoYiwei 6th Road, Dalang Town
Stad: Dongguan
Provincie: Guangdong
Land: China
Postcode: 523770
Naam: Su Xue Shu
Telefoon: 0086-775-42197179
Q1: What makes the 10S3P 18650 battery pack ideal for the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery?
A1: The 10S3P 18650 battery pack is ideal for the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery due to its high capacity of 10.5Ah, which provides a significant boost in range and overall performance. This M365 scooter battery is built using high-quality 18650 lithium cells, known for their stability and long cycle life. The communication software integrated with the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery allows for real-time monitoring, ensuring that the battery is always operating at its peak efficiency. Overall, the 10S3P 18650 battery pack offers a reliable and powerful upgrade for M365 users seeking enhanced performance and longevity.
Q2: How does the M365 scooter battery benefit from the communication software included with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack?
A2: The communication software included with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack enhances the M365 scooter battery by providing detailed insights into battery health, performance, and usage patterns. This software allows users of the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery to monitor important metrics such as voltage, current, temperature, and remaining capacity in real-time. With this information, users can optimize their riding experience, avoid potential issues, and ensure the longevity of the M365 scooter battery. The software also enables predictive maintenance, alerting users when the battery requires attention, thus preventing unexpected breakdowns and extending the battery's lifespan.
Q3: What are the advantages of using a 10S3P 18650 battery pack in the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery compared to the original battery?
A3: Upgrading to a 10S3P 18650 battery pack offers several advantages over the original Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery. First, the increased capacity of 10.5Ah provides a longer range, allowing for extended rides without needing frequent recharges. This M365 scooter battery also delivers a more consistent power output, which improves the scooter's acceleration and overall performance. Additionally, the 18650 lithium cells used in the 10S3P battery pack are known for their durability and safety, ensuring a reliable power source for the scooter. The integration of communication software further enhances the user experience by providing real-time data and alerts, making the M365 scooter battery not only more powerful but also smarter.
Q4: How does the M365 scooter battery perform in different weather conditions with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack installed?
A4: The M365 scooter battery equipped with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack performs reliably across various weather conditions, thanks to the high-quality 18650 lithium cells that are designed to withstand temperature fluctuations. Whether in hot or cold climates, the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery maintains a stable output, ensuring consistent performance. The communication software included with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack also plays a crucial role in this by monitoring temperature and other vital metrics, allowing the battery to adjust its performance accordingly. This ensures that the M365 scooter battery remains efficient and safe, regardless of the weather conditions.
Q5: What is the expected lifespan of the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery when using the 10S3P 18650 battery pack?
A5: The expected lifespan of the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack can vary depending on usage and maintenance, but it generally offers a long service life due to the high-quality 18650 lithium cells used in its construction. With proper care, including regular charging and avoiding extreme temperatures, the M365 scooter battery can last for several years, providing hundreds of charge cycles before noticeable degradation occurs. The communication software included with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack also helps prolong the battery's lifespan by allowing users to monitor and maintain optimal battery health, ensuring that the M365 scooter battery performs reliably over time.
Q6: How does the 10S3P 18650 battery pack affect the weight and portability of the M365 scooter battery?
A6: The 10S3P 18650 battery pack adds minimal weight to the M365 scooter battery, ensuring that the scooter remains portable and easy to carry. The design of the 10S3P 18650 battery pack ensures that it fits seamlessly into the scooter's frame, maintaining the sleek profile that the M365 is known for. Users can still fold and transport their scooter with ease, making the M365 scooter battery an excellent choice for those who need both enhanced performance and convenience.
Q7: Can the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery be upgraded to a 10S3P 18650 battery pack by the user, or is professional installation required?
A7: Upgrading the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery to a 10S3P 18650 battery pack can be done by experienced users, but it is generally recommended to have it installed by a professional. The M365 scooter battery upgrade involves handling high-capacity lithium cells and connecting them to the scooter's electronics, which requires precision and knowledge of electrical systems. The communication software also needs to be properly integrated to ensure accurate monitoring and performance. While some enthusiasts may feel confident in performing the upgrade themselves, professional installation ensures that the 10S3P 18650 battery pack is installed correctly and safely, avoiding potential issues.
Q8: How does the M365 scooter battery with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack impact the scooter's top speed and acceleration?
A8: The M365 scooter battery with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack can have a positive impact on the scooter's top speed and acceleration. The higher capacity and quality of the 18650 cells in the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery provide a more consistent power output, which enhances the scooter's ability to accelerate quickly and maintain higher speeds. Users often report smoother and more responsive rides after upgrading to the 10S3P 18650 battery pack, as the scooter can draw more power when needed. However, the actual top speed may still be limited by the scooter's motor and controller settings, but the overall performance improvement is noticeable with the upgraded M365 scooter battery.
Q9: What safety features are included in the 10S3P 18650 battery pack for the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery?
A9: The 10S3P 18650 battery pack for the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery includes several safety features to protect both the battery and the user. These features include overcharge protection, over-discharge protection, and short-circuit protection, all of which are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the M365 scooter battery. The communication software also plays a key role in safety by monitoring the battery's temperature, voltage, and current in real-time, alerting the user to any potential issues before they become serious. This combination of built-in protections and smart monitoring ensures that the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery remains safe to use, even in demanding conditions.
Q10: How does the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack handle extended periods of storage?
A10: The Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery with the 10S3P 18650 battery pack is designed to handle extended periods of storage with minimal degradation. The 18650 lithium cells used in the M365 scooter battery are known for their low self-discharge rate, meaning that the battery retains its charge over time, even when not in use. The communication software provides a storage mode feature, which optimizes the battery's charge level for long-term storage, reducing the risk of over-discharge. When storing the Xiaomi M365 electric scooter battery for an extended period, it's recommended to keep it in a cool, dry place and to periodically check the battery's status using the software to ensure it remains in good condition.