18650バッテリー 24V 9Ah 7S3P 29.4V 9000mAh BMS 電動バイク/モペッド/電動自転車用リチウムイオンバッテリー + 充電器付き



製品タイプ : 18650 battery

スクー : BI-JJD-0028

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米国在庫、5〜7 日で迅速に配送。
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30 日間返金保証と 12 か月保証。

18650バッテリー 24V 9Ah 7S3P 29.4V 9000mAh BMS 電動バイク/モペッド/電動自転車用リチウムイオンバッテリー + 充電器付き


  1. 25.2V 9Ah バッテリー × 1
  2. 29.4V 2A 充電器 × 1


  • 公称電圧: 24V
  • 入力電圧: 29.4V
  • 出力電圧: 21V~29.4V
  • バッテリー容量: 9Ah
  • セルサイズ: 133 x 72 x 66mm
  • バッテリー重量: 1kg
  • 保護回路: 過充電、過放電、過電流、短絡保護機能付き
  • パッケージ: 青色PVCカバー


  1. 充電:
    • リチウムイオンバッテリー専用充電器が必要
    • 定電流・定電圧方式
    • 充電電圧: 29.4V
    • 充電電流: 4A以下
  2. 放電:
    • 出力: 赤と黒の2本線、長さ150mm
    • 入力: 2.1ソケット、長さ150mm
    • 最大瞬間電流: 45A
    • 最大動作電流: 20A
    • 内蔵バッテリーで、出力は2本線に制限されています。


  • 高品質な18650セル: 長寿命と安定した性能を提供。
  • 内蔵BMS保護回路: 安全な充電と放電を保証。
  • 高い放電能力: 最大45Aの瞬間電流、20Aの連続動作電流で高性能を発揮。
  • 軽量設計: 1kgのコンパクトなサイズで取り付けが簡単。

この24V 9Ah 18650バッテリーは、電動バイク、モペッド、電動自転車、DIYプロジェクトに最適です。過負荷や短絡から保護する機能を備え、長時間の使用でも安全で効率的な動作を実現します。付属の充電器で簡単に充電でき、さまざまな用途に適用可能な信頼性の高い電力ソリューションです。



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Q: What advantages does a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity offer for an e-bike?

A: A 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity offers several advantages for an e-bike. First, the 9Ah battery provides substantial power, allowing for extended rides without frequent recharges. This makes it ideal for daily commuting and long-distance travel. Second, the 24V ebike battery ensures consistent and reliable performance, delivering smooth and steady power to the motor. Finally, this battery pack is compatible with a 29.4V charger, which allows for quick and efficient charging, ensuring your e-bike is always ready for use.

Q: How long does it take to charge a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity using a 29.4V charger?

A: Charging a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity using a 29.4V charger typically takes around 4-6 hours, depending on the charger’s output and the battery’s current state of charge. The 29.4V charger is designed to efficiently charge the 24V ebike battery, ensuring that it reaches full capacity without overcharging. This makes it convenient for overnight charging or during breaks, allowing your e-bike to be ready for your next ride.

Q: Can a 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity handle hilly terrains?

A: Yes, a 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity is well-suited for handling hilly terrains. The 9Ah battery provides enough power to tackle steep inclines without significantly draining the charge. The 24V Battery Pack delivers consistent power, ensuring that your e-bike maintains optimal performance even on challenging terrain.

Q: Is it safe to use a 24V Battery Pack with a 29.4V charger?

A: Yes, it is safe to use a 24V Battery Pack with a 29.4V charger, provided the charger is specifically designed for this type of battery. The 29.4V charger ensures efficient and safe charging by regulating the voltage and current, preventing overcharging and overheating. This compatibility ensures that your 24V ebike battery and 9Ah battery remain in good condition, providing reliable performance and longevity.

Q: What type of e-bike applications is a 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity best suited for?

A: A 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity is best suited for a variety of e-bike applications, including daily commuting, recreational riding, and delivery services. The 9Ah battery provides ample power for extended rides, making it ideal for commuters who travel long distances. The 24V Battery Pack ensures consistent performance for recreational riders exploring trails or parks. Additionally, the reliable power and quick recharge capability with the 29.4V charger make it perfect for delivery services that require continuous operation throughout the day.

Q: How does the 9Ah battery capacity affect the range of a 24V ebike battery?

A: The 9Ah battery capacity significantly affects the range of a 24V ebike battery by providing more power for longer rides. Generally, a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity can offer a range of 20-40 miles per charge, depending on factors such as rider weight, terrain, and riding speed. This extended range makes the 24V ebike battery suitable for various riding scenarios, from daily commutes to longer recreational rides. The ability to recharge quickly with a 29.4V charger further enhances its practicality for regular use.

Q: What maintenance practices can extend the lifespan of a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity?

A: Before connecting the battery, make sure the positive and negative poles of the battery and ebike connectors correspond. To extend the lifespan of a 24V Battery Pack with a 9Ah capacity, follow these maintenance practices: avoid deep discharges by recharging the 9Ah battery before it drops below 20%; use the 29.4V charger as recommended to prevent overcharging; store the 24V ebike battery in a cool, dry place when not in use; and regularly check for any signs of wear or damage. Additionally, keep the battery clean and dry, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal performance and longevity.

Q: Can I use my 24V ebike battery with other devices, or is it exclusively for e-bikes?

A: While the 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity is primarily designed for e-bikes, it can potentially be used with other devices that require a 24V Battery Pack, provided the voltage and capacity match the device’s requirements. However, it’s essential to ensure compatibility and safety before using the 9Ah battery with other devices. Consulting the device’s manual or manufacturer is recommended to prevent any potential damage or safety hazards. The 29.4V charger should also be compatible with any additional devices to ensure proper charging.

Q: What are the environmental benefits of using a 24V Battery Pack in e-bikes?

A: Using a 24V Battery Pack in e-bikes offers several environmental benefits. First, the 9Ah battery provides a clean and efficient power source, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. E-bikes with 24V ebike batteries contribute to decreased air pollution and traffic congestion, especially in urban areas. Additionally, the rechargeable nature of the 24V Battery Pack, along with the efficient 29.4V charger, minimizes waste and promotes sustainable energy usage. This makes e-bikes an eco-friendly transportation option.

Q: How does the 29.4V charger enhance the usability of a 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity?

A: The 29.4V charger enhances the usability of a 24V ebike battery with a 9Ah capacity by providing efficient and quick charging. This ensures that the 9Ah battery is always ready for use, reducing downtime and increasing convenience. The 29.4V charger is designed to charge the 24V Battery Pack safely and effectively, preventing overcharging and extending the battery’s lifespan.